T Rex

T Rex
T Rex

sábado, 2 de octubre de 2010

No Better Half

Ecuador. What a moronic name for the center of the world, with all due respect...Why didnt someone come up with an extravagant designation, one that could embody. the aura of heightened value, the mystique of this..flying rock...whatever it is.
I mean If I had never heard about the place before and someone tells me " you know Equator is the name of an hallucinogenic potato that grows in Japanese ponds, I would buy it, cuz it sounds
 so undramatic, so uneventful,so very prosaic. Makes me think of fried cheese and bananas sprinkled with yeyo... And dont get me wrong, I have absolutely nothing against dairy products, bananas and cocaine. But if you told me that Wansalabia or Zanzibar was the name of the line that cuts the orange in half, then I would respect the orange a bit more you now. Id see it as a some sort of oracular Tangerine that glows is the dark...That would be fair enough. But that name and a nickel won't buy jack shit.

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