T Rex

T Rex
T Rex

sábado, 2 de octubre de 2010

Eva Mendez & Gandhi

T -Whatever you do will be insignificant, but it is very important that you do it - Mahatma Gandhi

J - im sorry but i don't believe in that anorexic-hindu mumbo jumbo.

T - the message is do something or else we'll be spawned into lame bohemian oblivion.. I mean why not? its either that or watching russian roulet with Eva Mendez... 

J - The lame bohemian oblivion sounds like a bitch...But still, i'd love to PLAY russian roulete with Eva Mendez. Either she blows her face in front of me (which would be AMAZING)
Or i get to splat her beautiful dress with pieces of my dirty little brain.
Its a win - win situation.


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